Protect health security and privacy with blockchain technology
Streamlining and speeding up the data exchange process is one of the recurring leitmotifs when it comes to innovation and research. Scattered data of dubious validity, loss of documents, communication problems and theft of information represent a very high cost for the health sector, making it more claudicating and susceptible to error every day.
Today’s system provides for huge data silos, which, making the exchange of data and information extremely problematic, slow down the entire transmission path especially from one provider to another, between public and private or between different jurisdictions. Furthermore, these data silos are not only very expensive but above all extremely vulnerable, thus exposing all the data contained to a high risk of theft or compromise. For its part, blockchain technology will be able to eliminate these threats, making information more secure, guaranteeing its authenticity and improving its distribution, while also protecting patient privacy, who will be solely responsible for managing their data. The accessible supply of data that is always updated in real time, the safeguarding of data privacy and security and the transparency of the procedures will generate a significant reduction in time and a fundamental reduction in costs.
Personal data will be managed by the individual patient, who will be able to accept or refuse the processing of their data and make it accessible to doctors, nurses, specialists or researchers at any occurrence and in real time, thus avoiding the long search within the immense databases today. This data, due to the blockchain technology, will be guaranteed as valid and effective, as none of the actors will be able to modify or delete them in any way, thus making them accessible but not violable. This direct management of their data by the patient will allow not only to empower the interested party, but above all to streamline and speed up any exchange of information, ensuring very high safety standards and the drastic reduction of duplicate examinations or errors due to incorrect information.
Pharmacological trials, research, traceability of organs and drugs would benefit enormously from this systemic change, being able to take advantage of the immediate availability of consultation of data and information, guaranteeing the owner the absolute protection of privacy, through a total anonymization of their individual personal details.
Trustedchain®, a private blockchain platform managed by only AgID accredited conservatories whose peculiarity is reflected precisely in the absolute guarantee of data retention, really offers a valid alternative to the obsolete current structure, minimizing any risk that is currently very high.
The advantages deriving from the application of this technology are therefore innumerable, guaranteeing absolute speed, immutability, security, traceability of information and economic savings at three hundred and sixty degrees, starting from the simple doctor-patient relationship to reach the most tortuous tasks, such as the lengthy health insurance paperwork.
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